Erratically Updated Thought Log
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Facebook Irritations.
Enjoy !
1.Everyone on facebook knows the concept of "like"ing some post. It is a simple
click on the "like" button. Few people have taken advantage of its simplicity and
started likeing anything and everything. Lets Assume XYZ is the name of the
person posting and ABC is the Jobless person liking stuff.
a."XYZ Death time calculator
You will die on 20 th october 1948 "
ABC like this"
*Immense wtf ! *
b."XYZ Sick :'(
ABC like this"
*ok, how much do you hate this person ? and this is a
true case. I was so alarmed that i even asked ABC what he/she meant.
ABC replies" Dude, i m so used to liking post" ! *
c.I ve come across few status updates that absolutely make no sense,absolutely.
And yet, people think they will be
branded as a #personwhodoesnotunderstandanything and "like" it.
d.Then there is the " i ve also been there" like. If some person
says. "The Movie X ROCKS ". Some 5 people will definitely like it to
tell to the world that they have also seen the movie and have the same opinion.
e.Ive also have come across the "Showoff likes". It is the situation
in which a person searches for something they recently came
across(it can be a movie or show, etc) and "like" it so that they let the world know they have been watching the liked link.
for example: ABC Likes "Wealthy hunter and outcast
guardian angel seek thrills in underground hotel" *Oh common! There
is no way that came up on the suggestion *
f.The person who likes around 20 links at once. Serious joblessness !
2.The person who competes with people to have maximum friends in their list.
OK, not necessarily compete, but they like to see big number in their number
of friends(no offence).These people who send friend request by checking the
number of mutual friends. Or Even Worse, If they have heard your name
somewhere and met you on the road,Friend Request !
3.The person who starts the chain of comments with a comment saying "first :)".
This nonsense has reached some level that i ve come across "fourth \m/" .
The limit of this is "Oh my God ! I dont believe i m first :):)!!!" WTF !
4.The Person who uses excessive amount of smileys in posts.
" back with a bang :):):):):):):)" or the new lesser effort taking ":))))".
ok, we know u are happy. we are not here to measure the
coefficient of happiness. The Next Level is the usage of multiple emoticon.
"ABC is in love :) :P :D "
I get confused about which emoticon i have to select from the long list.
5.On a similar note, the one who uses infinite question or exclamation marks.
" Where you ?????????????" or "Played Cricket !!!!!!!!!!!!". Either
The Keyboard is not working properly or you are overly exclamating.
Very Pissing off.
6.One of the most hated part by some people (like me),but one of the
most loved part of facebook by a lot of people. Posts regarding farmville
and mafia wars."oh no! ABC found a lonely cow in their farm".Good,Eat It !
"Abc is sharing a bunch of flowers with you". Um, No thanks.
7.There is this commonly hated person who has all their status update
about only one person."you have made my day :)"or
"When i come online,You go offline:( "
Dude, we know you are in love,but that doesnt mean all your status are about her. Get a life.
8.The person who uses too many short forms or SMS language.
"Pls,gt ur buk sumtim" THe vocabulary is as follows
* be becomes b
* because becomes cuz
* see becomes c
* the becomes da, de or d
* okay becomes k or kk
* are becomes r
* you becomes u
* with becomes wit or w/
* without becomes w/o
* why becomes y
* oh becomes o
* see ya becomes cya
Then there is the use of numbers as in "gr8" or "2mro".
9.ThEn AnOtHer IrRiTaTiNg tHinG iS tHe UnNeceSsaRY USe of lETteRs iN cApitaLS.
10.Every would have come across some person who uses the same word or phrase to describe everything in the world.
"Dude, How was the movie?" "Amazing"
"Dude, How was the Food?" "Amazing"
"Dude, How was the band?" "Amazing"
"Dude, How was he Trip?" "Amazing"
Beyond some level, the word loses its importance. You do not get a clear idea about how the thing in question truly is.
All of us have done some of the above at some part in our life. But yeah, i m just telling there is a better way to go about things.
This Post was inspired by a lot of my friends on facebook. If you are offended, write a blog !
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Innovative? Film City
Getting a free ticket was the only reason i ended up going to Innovative Film City in banglore..uh well just outside banglore. The only reason some people come here is because of free tickets. I saw so many people carrying free tickets from various shops and stuff.
The first sight was a huge pink building whose structure made me feel the situation to have been a " Haste makes Waste" one. Random advertisement banners were hung all over building. Advertisements included the places to visit inside the film city. I promptly saw the restaurent advertisement and knew some part of the day atleast would be fun.
Car Parked in the hot sun, very innovative. Finally i got the opportunity to get in to the place after a thorough body feeling by a security guard checking for bombs. Seriously, if i was a terrorist i definitely would have chosen a better place. Then came the part of the film city that resembles some european empire.They made sure people dont comment on its stupidity by putting a "Still Under Construction " board. Then there was a paint-ball arena where there is no actual paint-balling. They give a you a paint-ball gun with the balls(no paint ) and we get to shoot baloons. Yaay!. Then there was a Ripley's Mirror Maze arena. Probabaly the best part of the Film City. Beautifully Designed in such a way that you cannot find the right path due to the mirror reflections. Then to compensate for the Awesomness there is Dinosaur World. It was filled with models of dinosaurs whose tails where shaking . It was accompanied by annoying dinosaur noises. I immediately started searching for the exit. Just Before th exit, there was information about dinosaur mating. Good God !.Then there was a small joke of Roller Coaster which was similar to any train in India. Then there was a fake beach. It was very well planned, Clean water and sand around it. There were a few beach beds which overflowed with bags of people who did not want to put it on the sandy ground. Then there was a go karting lane for kids , so thats not my area. Then there was heavenly food. Ate as much as i could . That was the Happiest Part of the day.Then There was a Ripleys believe it or not exhibition which you get bored after the first 2 awesome facts.
It also has madame tussaud's wax museum which was quite life like. But after such a boring day i really could not appreciate it much. Then there was a scary mansion which i initially refused to go. But due to insults from sister i had to go in. It was in a single word, Lame. Just random skeletons hanging around and making noises.The finale was a 4D theatre which was quite good except for the fact that they showed dinosaur movies. Overall a Boring Place. Some things are well thought of, but most of the things are quite lame . And seriously, Could they have not come up with a better tag line than "what a place ". and the music played around is pure torture. A baby voice thats repeats " innovative film city " in the same tune for the rest of its life.
If you are thinking of going there as you are bored at home , Think Again !
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Sunday Morning Queues.
Later that day when i told my dad about these he started with " if people are like this India will never..." I knew it was my cue to go up .
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Se7en point Someone!
I wish there was some pond which was deep enough to terrorise u,but not deep enough to kill you. If there was some such i would seeeriously jump into it. i feel like an complete idiot after the results of my first semester. I got a fraking 7.85. Its ok, u can continue reading. You dont have to stop reading thinking wat can a seven point someone write.
I some how never had the slightest of idea that i had to study after joining college. Well,i know its not the right time to realise it , i should have probably realised it after my first test or atleast my second test. But i did not. Fine forget about the past. Atleast now(lol) i realised may be i really have to study to score in college.
So now comes the turning over a new leaf part of my life. I probably need to study. I thought a mere glance of the text book would fetch u some 8 point something but clearly i was wrong. But after speaking to my friends who whine for a 9 point something i realise watching an average of 1 and half movie a day definitely does not help your grades. I hope i join the elite club in my class whose only problem in life is that a teacher has not given proper notes for a subject. Sad !